When the novelty wears off..

Following on from my previous post I can happily say that I am no longer smitten with snow.  I know, I know – that didn’t take long, but really, seriously, what a pain in the arse these weather conditions are.

The frozen Warren by the frozen River Wye

Walking the dogs has turned into a mission.  Just getting out the door through three-foot of snow and down the driveway has become perilous.  Mr T has slipped and fallen twice already.  He is ok but I am mortified that on both occasions when he told me about it, I laughed so hard and so long I thought I was going to have a heart attack – I just couldn’t help myself.  Fortunately my hilarity was infectious and he started laughing as well.  I am not helped by a hormonal trough which has me exhausted and tearful for no obvious reason.  Tiredness makes me laugh inappropriately – go figure..

I found several tiny, feathered corpses on our walk down the river this morning, the birds are having a hard time of it, despite everyone putting out extra food for them.  I felt very sorry for the pair of resident swans as the river has frozen over in some places.


Mr T only just made it home on Thursday evening the weather conditions were so bad, and thankfully his work was cancelled yesterday and today.  We have checked on our elderly neighbours and everyone is ok.  The only casualty has been a neighbour who we rarely see and who we had been told did not take well to visitors.  Yesterday morning, Pearl, our oldest neighbour, had sent her son over to check he was alright and when he didn’t respond to knocking, Pearl rang the police.  Shortly after a police officer,  a community support officer and a national parks officer arrived and eventually managed to talk the man into receiving some help.  It took them over an hour to get him to leave his house and go with them, and we were all very pleased that he was going to be looked after.  It’s difficult trying to care for people who don’t want help but those men took the time and we were so impressed with them – and particularly impressed with Pearl..

In the meantime I am distracting myself from how bad it is going to be when the snow starts melting and all the paths ice, by obsessing over Gee’s Bend quilts and binge watching Brooklyn 99.


Denim, corduroy, synthetic blend (britches legs with pockets)
108 x 77 inches, The Metropolitan Museum of Art


This is the Contour Shawl by Joanne Scrace (available on Ravelry) that I am working on using Koigu Painter’s Palette yarn.  It is a simple pattern but my hormonally buggered brain is making the crocheting of it a slow process, I seem to be constantly frogging and restitching.  So I am giving it a rest.


I will stop now, I am impressed that I have got this far..  We are warm and dry and not lacking in anything except sunshine – and that will come.  We are grateful..

Go well all..



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