

Beaming to you from the Great Metropolis of Llanidloes, Wales, United Kingdom
Feminist and pagan/pantheist, born in 62 – happy to still be alive, in love with the world and all the horrors it can throw at me.

Stuff I Love
All things crafty or arty, art history, books, books, books, bluegrass and disco music, anticipation, snorting while laughing, all creatures great and small, the smells of spring, living in the moment, purple, real ale, the odd bottle of vino, the interweb, people helping each other, transition towns, the resurgence of interest in craft – particularly recycling and re-purposing, growing and preserving my own food as much as possible.

8 thoughts on “About

    1. watchthatcheese

      I am in Hay – just not got around to changing my About page yet – thank you for reminding me. And I will definitely be emailing you for a natter!

  1. atticgal

    Hello from Howard Street you are not far from Wayne Karen who are working in a pub in Whiltshire near a cannel.Just caught up with Alison who passed n your details. Wow this is a first time for me to write a blog! I’m green with envy well slightly at your place of residence.


  2. atticgal

    I have passed on your contact details to Wayne Karen they are intrigued that you re so close. Busy organizing a beginners/ creative workshop for 5/6 September. We have some very cool fibre sponsors. it is fun organizing the yarn/ fibre combinations that people will be working with. hope to have some AUT students teachers come down. would love your email contact details to blar further.Also I can send you a digital copy of our poster not that you are going to come other for it.

    Love the photos on your blog page. who know you may inspire to start one. Now better get back to designing pattern support for my yarns.

  3. Shelley

    Look, if you’re really having sewing machine problems I’ll loan you mine – I have two, one which does what yours does, but you can fiddle around with it, and my trusty oid favourite which never fails me. Have you checked the cotton in the under bobin is the same as on top? That could be the problem. Otherwise, if you want to take the offer, email me direct………….(i am in Hay, and we have spoken…..)

  4. Gloria P

    I have read your blog and was disappointed to find you have not written in a couple of months. I love to see the pictures of where you go and the places you have to walk and enjoy what is around you. So pretty. My home is in Texas, we do have pretty surroundings to enjoy here to but nothing as interesting as I see in your photos. Thank you for sharing.

    1. watchthatcheese

      Thank you very much for commenting – it was just the kick I needed to write a new blog post. I am glad that you enjoy my blog.

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